Alco Bearing & Bushing

Home Alco Bearing & Bushing

Alco bearing and bushing are the items which comes under our scope of  supply.

Con. Rod. Brg. Upper IGI 21710226
Con. Rod. Brg. Lower IGI 21710228
Inter main Bearing IGI 21410166
Centre main Brg. IGI 21410326
Thrust main Bearing IGI 21410365(U)
Thrust main Bearing IGI 21410366(L)
Bushing Piston Pin IGI 2171016
Bushing Cam Shaft IGI 2161332
Valve Lifter Bush IGI 2241491
Valve Lever Bush IGI 2153632
Blower End Bearing IGI 2261208
Turbine End Bearing IGI 2261209
Floating Bush IGI 4261091
Connecting Rod Bearing IGI 541078
Connecting Rod Bearing IGI 540590
Connecting Rod Bearing IGI 540591
Connecting Rod Bearing IGI 540593
Connecting Rod Bearing IGI 540589